Aging in Place. What is it and How Can We Help?
Aging in place means a person making a conscious decision to stay in their home for as long as they can with the comforts that are important to them. As they age these may include adding supplementary services to facilitate their living conditions and maintain their quality of life. For many it is important to remain in the residence of their preference and still be able to access the things they require and used to in their daily life.
That’s where we come in! We work with families to assist in making their loved ones safe and comfortable. We can coordinate with doctors, physical therapists and contractors to modify any parts of the home that need addressed based on the recommendations of your care team.
The Importance of Aging in Place
At present, many senior persons +65 or older live either with their spouse or by themselves in their own homes. A majority of them have issues with everyday tasks, taking care of their health doing everyday activities even within their homes. As a consequence, the quality of life for many has suffered.
In 2000, there were just over 35 million American citizens aged 65 or older. By 2030, according to the US Census Board, there will be about 70 million Americans aged 65 or older. Which would make this age group almost 20% of the total US population.
The social, economical, physical, emotional, not to mention the medical challenges the rise of this aging population places on the fabric of our civic society is enormous. If going forward, successive governments in the federal and state levels do not figure out a way to handle the upcoming challenges ushered in by the aging population, the US will be facing a major dire predicament due to insufficient, misplaced or underused resources to address aging challenges. This is turn affects how well aging in place measures can be implemented in society.
We have done everything from install grab bars and stair lifts, to complete ADA accessible bathrooms and kitchens. There are many options and challenges and we would love to help you develop your Aging in Place Plan!